This blog is not really a tutorial blog. I create without a method. It is a blog to inspire you to create beautiful things. Hope it will. When visiting please leave a comment It would be appreciated...

Some of My Displayed Art

This is my display of tags I have made and kept.  The "M" I bought in ABC Distributers about 2 years ago. It is made of wire.
My Tag tree which I altered and use to display tags created by friends.

Altered bottles for swap                                                             

                                                             These a detailed look at my Marie Antoinette Banner

 This my Marie Antoinette Art Display with the exception of the yellow mirror made and given to me by my friend Bobbie. Notice the Marie doll tassel . Also the chicken wire crown and pin cushion.  Below is more art either done by me or given to me by my friends in the scrapbook world.......

Here are some beautiful art some from friends and some I created. On the far left is a shadow box created by Joakima. In the back center is a hand mirror created by Melody.  The front is 2 canvases created by me.  And front left tassels I bought at Michaels that I plan to do dolls with.....
Here is a "ME" paperbag album I made with the Mariposa paper. Next you will see a chipboard album done by my special friend Joakima.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore that beautiful box you made to put in your beautiful tags. What a great idea.

I can see why you are a busy bee.

I think that is beautiful what you taught your niece or daughter to make. The one with the pink flower. How Beautiful, beautiful is that. She did a great job.