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Altered Cigar Box For Burlap Mini Album

Here is a cigar box I covered in burlap and Graphic 45 Old Curiosity Shoppe paper to house mini album .  Burlap mini album is previous post.....


Norma Gomez said...

It turned out really great, I wasn't expecting the inside to be all done up too :D

emilysnan said...

Hiya Martica , wow that is so beautiful and the box and teh mini look almost like a real little curiosity shoppe as i can just imagine delving in for a good rummage and lots of oohhs and ahhhss

Martica Designs said...

Thank you ladies for your sweet comments very much appreciate it......

Melissa said...

This is beyond gorgeous. Where do you find your cigar boxes?

Ms. Pebbles said...

These are gorgeous!!!! I have had those gates for some time time now and you have just given me the inspiration to use them! Thanks!!!