This blog is not really a tutorial blog. I create without a method. It is a blog to inspire you to create beautiful things. Hope it will. When visiting please leave a comment It would be appreciated...

Spring Time Altered Tea Cups

As you all probably noticed I loooove birds and nests.  Here I took some tea cups and matching saucers and altered with you guessed it birds..... I loved doing them and wished I had more teacups.  I found a small set and a slightly larger set.   I used IAMRoses flowers and other material that I have collected through the years.   I hope to make a few more and sell them.   


Mari said...

Really beautiful....
I just love it ;)


johala said...

Lovely idea so cute!

Georgiana said...

Very pretty tabletop decoration.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea it looks nice and pretty. Someone gave me wee birds in the nest. I was wondering what to do with it. I could place my one in my window cell from the kitchen ledge inside also.

Then the other in a fancy cup on my cabinet top.

Merry said...

How truly beautiful these are.